瓜の皮は大名にむかせよ、柿の皮は乞食にむかせよ Uri no kawa wa daimyou ni mukaseyo, kaki no kawa wa kojiki ni mukaseyo.

  • 解釈:瓜の皮は厚くむいて、柿の皮は薄くむくのがよいという教え。
  • Literal:Make a daimyo strip the skin from a melon. And make a beggar strip the skin from a persimmon.
  • Interpretation:The skin is thickly stripped from a melon and the skin is thinly stripped from a persimmon.
  • 類義:魚は大名に焼かせよ、餅は乞食に焼かせよ。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.